Henge Skulls Blog

Crazy Lace Agate Dragon

Posted by Philippe Ullens on

Crazy Lace Agate Dragon

I love Crazy Lace Agate, - because it is so beautiful- because it is so subtle at the same time- because of its two polarities, yin vs yang, white vs bright red- because it illustrates very effectively how compliant it is in the head of any being, dragon, human, star being, and  nevertheless so beautiful and fascinating.I love to have a skull in each pocket; dragons are difficult because they are too big, because their spikes break so easily. But these are small, very compact, and their spikes are less vulnerable.Skullis made three of them. We are keeping one and the other...

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Rainforest Jasper

Posted by Philippe Ullens on

Rainforest Jasper

Rainforest Jasper comes from Australia.For me it has a gorgeous meaning: it links to forest, from there to nature, from there to our own nature: it teaches us to love ourselves as we are.We've been told so many times, by our parents, educators, coaches, teachers... that we will be lovable once we are like this or that. This Jasper tells me I am perfect as I am. I have a really big one on my night table as a constant reminder: I'm a slow learner. After all, green is healing green, one of the two colours of the Heart Chakra....

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Black Quartz Blog

Posted by Philippe Ullens on

Black Quartz Blog

Black Quartz is special! It is almost opaque, but not completely, a bit of a mystery. One hears little about Black Quartz! A bit like Black Obsidian, but so much more solid: Obsidian is and thus breaks like glass - Quartz is so hard. Black is all colours , all the colours of the Chakra, all the properties of the Chakra? The colour of empty Space, of the intergalactic void. But is it emptiness or rather a matrix and a frame for life? Leandro is the only one among our carvers who ever proposed Black Quartz.  Out of the three we bought, one is gone and...

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Awakening to the Crystal Skulls ~ Sue Coulson

Posted by Avebury Skulls on

Awakening to the Crystal Skulls ~ Sue Coulson

In spring 2010 I had my first encounter with the Crystal Skulls. A mutual friend introduced me to Philippe Ullens, the owner of the Henge Shop in Avebury. I was invited into the stock room of the shop to listen to his personal journey of awakening to the skulls.  We sat facing each other across a table that held 30 or 40 small crystal skulls, each one delicately carved from a different crystal or stone. Philippe handled them with loving care as he spoke passionately about them. I listened with interest, but part of my mind was wondering what all...

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